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(1)  Lindsay-Hall, Kristina, Susana Jaramillo, Thomas L. Baker, and Julian Arnold (2020), “Authenticity, Rapport, and Interactional Justice in Frontline Service: The Moderating Role of Need for Uniqueness.”  Journal of Service Marketing. Advance online publication. doi:10.1108/JSM-11-2019-0434

Research in Progress
In Progress

(1) Jaramillo, Susana, and Thomas L. Baker, “Understanding and Overcoming Social Anxiety in Service Encounters.” *

  • Manuscript in preparation.


(2) Ceballos, Lina M., Ana M. Ortega, Luis Torres, and Susana Jaramillo, “User Acceptance of Information Technology Systems as Driver of Innovation in the Colombian Fashion Industry.” *

  • Data was collected in June 2019.  


(3) Jaramillo, Susana, Lina M. Ceballos, Laura I. Rojas de F., and Maria C. Mejía., “Co-Creating Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Sense of Belonging.” *

  • Manuscript in preparation. Data collection will take place between fall 2021 and fall 2022. 


(4) Peng, Yi, and Susana Jaramillo, “The Moderating Role of Organizational Justice Climate: Implications for Customer Gratitude and Customer Engagement.” *

  • Manuscript in preparation. Data collection will take place between fall 2021 and fall 2020. 


(5) Jaramillo, Susana, Fareed Bordbar and Carlos-Mario Uribe-Saldarriaga, “Greetings in Service Encounters.”

  • Manuscript in preparation. *


* Please contact me for additional information about targeted journals.

Conference Presentations

(1)  Ceballos, Lina M., Ana M. Ortega, Luis Torres, and Susana Jaramillo,  (2020 December). User Acceptance of Information Technology Systems as a Driver of Innovation in the Colombian Fashion Industry. Paper presented at the 2020 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, Online Conference (Due to COVID-19). 


(2) Jaramillo, Susana, Thomas L. Baker, Yi Peng (2019, November). Examining the Role of Self-Conscious Emotions on the Relationship between Self-Attributed Service Failures and Service Outcomes. Paper presented at the 57th Society for Marketing Advances (SMA) Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.


(3) Peng, Yi, Stanford Westjohn, and Susana Jaramillo (2019, November). Influence of Coping Strategies on the Effects of Consumer Animosity. Paper presented at the 57th Society for Marketing Advances (SMA) Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.


(4) Jaramillo, Susana, Thomas L. Baker, Yi Peng (2018, October -November). The Unpleasant Feeling of Being Envied and the Pleasure of Pride. Paper presented at the 56th Society for Marketing Advances (SMA) Annual Conference, West Palm Beach, Florida.


(5) Jaramillo, Susana, Thomas L. Baker, and Brett Christenson (2018, September). Understanding and Overcoming Social Anxiety in Service Encounters. Paper presented at the 25th Frontiers in Service Annual Conference, Austin, Texas.


(6) Jaramillo, Susana, Thomas L. Baker, and Kristina Lindsey Hall (2018, February). Impact of Anticipatory Regret in Action and Inaction Behaviors and Service Evaluation. Paper presented at the American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.


(7) Jaramillo, Susana, Thomas L. Baker, and Brett Christenson (2018, February). Understanding and Overcoming Social Anxiety in Service Encounters. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Southeast Marketing Symposium (SMS), Tuscaloosa, Alabama.


(8) Jaramillo, Susana, Thomas L. Baker, and Kristina Lindsey Hall (2017, November). Impact of Anticipatory Regret in Action and Inaction Behaviors and Service Evaluation. Paper presented at the 55th Society for Marketing Advances (SMA) Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky.


 (9) Jaramillo, Susana, Brett Christenson, and Thomas L. Baker (2017, June). Social Anxiety in Service Encounters: Mediating Effects of Reduced Social Discomfort During Service Encounters. Poster session presented at the 24th Frontiers in Service Annual Conference, New York City, New York.

  • Noted as Best poster presentation award.

Other Research Experience

(1)  Jaramillo-Echeverri, Maria-Susana & Carlos-Mario Uribe-Saldarriaga (2016).” Greetings in Service Encounters: Characterization from the Cultural Knowledge of Users and Providers” (Master Thesis)


(2) Special Project: “Database of Colombian Emotional Speech: Anger in Call Centers” (2013-2014). Role: Researcher. Responsibilities: Research including moderated focus groups designed to measure response to and recognition of recorded voices with specified emotional content.

To see more or discuss possible work let's talk >>

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